303 Jala Ct, Santa Maria, CA 93454

(805) 900-4364

303 Jala Ct, Santa Maria, CA 93454

(805) 900-4364

Meals & Snacks Included

Nutritious meals and snacks are provided daily to fuel growing minds and bodies. Every child enjoys balanced, healthy options that promote energy and focus throughout the day.

Active Exploration & Play

Encouraging active exploration and play builds curiosity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Hands-on activities and interactive learning make each day an adventure.

Pick-Up & Drop-Off to School

Pick-up and drop-off services simplify busy family schedules. Reliable transportation ensures children arrive safely and on time for school.

ABOUT Dragonfly Play House

Creating a nurturing and supportive environment is at the heart of what we do. Dragonfly Play House, located in Santa Maria, CA, is a trusted home daycare provider that offers personalized care and attention for infants until children of 12 years, in a safe and happy setting. Through our wide range of services, including infant daycare, toddler daycare, and child daycare, we help young minds grow as individuals while developing important learning and social skills. With the comfort of an in-home daycare approach, children feel at ease, making it easier for them to explore, play, and thrive throughout their day.

We pride ourselves on combining early childhood education practices with the warmth of a family environment. Whether it's structured play, creative activities, or nurturing lessons, every child experiences moments of joy and growth. Our programs cater to various age groups, from preschool daycare to after-school daycare, ensuring that we meet a wide range of developmental needs. Because we are a home-based daycare, we cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage children to build positive relationships, all while learning in a space that feels like home. It's our mission to make this a fulfilling and positive daycare experience not just for the children we care for but for the entire family.

By fostering a loving and enriching atmosphere, we aim to create a foundation for children's success and happiness. Whether you're looking for home daycare for your little one or structured preschool daycare, we're here to help your child bloom in a supportive and engaging environment. Give Dragonfly Play House a call today to schedule a visit and see why we're the ideal choice for your family's daycare needs!

Dragonfly Play House


Empowering Young Minds To Explore Their Full Potential


Every child is encouraged to develop independence, leadership, and empathy in a supportive environment. Dragonfly Play House in Santa Maria, CA, provides the tools and experiences needed for personal growth and achievement. Let’s help your little one shine brighter each day.

Find out more here!


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